Notion 2021 Review — Student Edition

Erin Skidds
4 min readApr 9, 2021
Notion 2021 Review - Student Edition

I have used Notion for the last 6 months. I have the student edition which means I have Notion Personal Pro which is usually $5 per month USD but it is free for students. I chose to upgrade because it was free and it was nice being able to have unlimited guests so I can share my Notion pages with the world.

I have 2 pages that I use. I will show you pictures of them as well as link to them.

Master Task List

My Master Task List in Notion.

These are tasks I hope to get done and the dates I hope to get them done on. Currently these dates need to be changed as I am falling FAR behind on the Points System and Challenges Systems for my Discord bots. This is how I have my table set up:

- Target Date is the date I want to complete these items by.

- Name is just that… the name of what I want to do.

- Tags refer to the projects these are on. I have a few tags:- CodingHelp Server, this is for the r/CodingHelp Discord Bot that I have for the Discord Server.

- Sakura Moon is an upcoming bot I plan to release to the public. If you want to know more about it, I’ll post another blog with that. :)

- is another website I maintain for the r/CodingHelp Subreddit.

- Then I have Offline Life for things I need to do IRL.

- Lastly, I am adding (haven’t yet) for this website.

- Publish Date is for my personal record so I can reference my target date with my publish date so I can see how far off I was to help me plan future items on this list.

- Status shows the current status.

- Notes just include some quick short notes so I can quickly reference those.

If you click on the name of any of these they take you to a separate page where I draft what I am doing or write a detailed “To Do” list for each item that I mark off as I go along. That’s pretty much it for my Master Task List. I do have different views so I can see what is in progress, what is completed, and what hasn’t been started yet separately. This list has been the best system I have been able to come up with that is also free. I am on a budget and don’t have the money to be spending on recurring subscriptions.

Read Later

Erin’s Read Later list from Notion.

This is my bookmarks page. Anything that I find on my phone or iPad that I want to reference later on my desktop or laptop, I share here. I have different views that show what is unread (picture above) or viewed as well as if it is a future purchase or an app that I want to save or whatever it may be. I like to keep things as organized as possible.

I was using the iCloud/Apple Notes app but iCloud on Windows SUCKS. I will switch over to it once I get a Mac but that may not be for another 3–4+ years so, for now, I’m going to stick with using Notion as it works better for this type of database than anything else I’ve found.

I have tried to use it for work, that is the “Daily Guide” you see on the left side. That was actually deleted, not sure why it is still there. It works but my work blocked Notion recently so I can’t use it anymore. It was a sad day when I realized that.

I have also tried to use it for a daily journal type of thing but I am not a daily journal type of girl. Good on you, whoever can do that. I just can’t. Yes, I am on my computer 5–6/7 days of the week but that doesn’t mean I want to reflect on what I did yesterday. I don’t do much. I work from home and sometimes I code my Discord Bot, other days I just play games or watch videos all day. It depends on the day and how much sleep I got the night before. I wish I was the type of person that could do that but I can’t. Notion is definitely built for that though and while I tried it, it worked well.

Do you use Notion? What do you use it for? I’m curious to hear in the comments below! ’Til next time! Cheers!

