Hello world!

Erin Skidds
2 min readApr 9, 2021

I decided to start blogging again. I am trying to re-ignite my passion for my websites. I have been coding Discord bots for the majority of the last few years but prior to that I used to blog all of the time. I decided to start back up again because I missed it and felt pressured to complete my discord bot and such and I was tired of feeling pressured so I put that on the back burner and now I’m back to blogging.

If you don’t know who I am. I am Erin Skidds. I am 27 years old and I love to play The Sims and Valheim. I am married and from Cleveland OH. I have depression. My husband has Autism and it is a struggle every day for the both of us. I love him for him though not because of it, not despite, just because he is his Autism… it is just who he is. It makes my life interesting, to say the least.

I work for KeyBank which is a national bank out of Cleveland, OH. I work from home in the Commercial Banking department. It is a fantastic job that I make good money at. I have finally landed a career and I couldn’t be happier. I take pride in what I do and I am very good at it. I’ve only been doing it for less than 6 months but it feels like even longer. I can’t believe I haven’t been there for that long. I’ve only been in Cleveland for a little over 6 months. It isn’t my favorite place to live (code for: we hate it here and can’t wait to leave) but it also isn’t the worst place on the planet. I’m glad I got to live near my family during my adult life before I moved over to the other side of the country within the next 5 years. Our plans are to move to Seattle, WA as we both loved the West Coast and miss it from our time in Sierra Vista.

My username on most websites is DudeThatsErin which is why I registered this domain (dudethatserin.site). I wanted it to be a collective place where I blogged as well as included links to all of my projects and everything. I think it has come out really well. I’m loving it so far and I can’t wait to see what I post.

Thanks for coming and reading! See you guys in the next one!

